Cluster Mesh with Cilium Overview
Cluster Mesh with Cilium Overview
Vagrant + RKE2 + Cilium
Use Vagrant to provision and install RKE2 and Cilium
Cilium and Istio Harmony
Update Cilium to work with Istio and create a self-signed certificate for Istio.
Adding Persistent Storage to RKE2 with Longhorn
Configure Longhorn to provide persistent storage to RKE2 clusters using Flux CD
Bootstrap cluster with Flux: the GitOps way
Bootstrap a Kubernetes cluster with Flux CD using GitOps
Howto guide for setting up ArgoCD RBAC
Cilium Metrics
Update Cilium to expose Prometheus metrics
Boostrapping RKE2
Howto guide for ensuring RKE2 is bootstrapped with ArgoCD, Prometheus, and Cert-Manager
RKE2 Install with Cilium, Hubble and Cluster Mesh
Howto guide for setting up RKE2 with Cilium, Hubble and Cluster Mesh
Setting up a 5 node K3s Cluster on Raspberry Pi’s
Howto guide for setting up and configuring a K3s cluster to perform AI/ML on the edge
Multi-step Forecasting with SARIMA
Very simple stock trading strategy: Tesla, Apple, Amazon, GE and Boeing
Build and Evaluate SARIMA Model
``` python from math import sqrt from multiprocessing import cpu_count from warnings import catch_warnings from warnings import filterwarnings from statsmode...
Deep Learning (convnet) Solution for Image Classification: Hot Dog or Not Hot Dog?
Here I address the simple (or so it seems) question: given an image does it contain a hot dog? The main problem is the lack of training data (images), we aug...
Time Series Analysis: Tesla Stock
While American automakers went bankrupt, Tesla became just the first successful automobile start-up in the United States in over 110 years. Here I take a dee...
Presidential Topic Modeling and Classification using State of the Union Addresses
Here I had two goals: find out what latent topics were preset in all of the State Of the Union addresses since 1790 and predict which President said which se...
Ronald Raegan or Bill Clinton? Classification using SOTU Addesses
Here I take the State Of the Union addresses from Ronald Reagan (1981-1988) and Bill Clinton (1993-2000), split them into sentences, tokenize (lemmatize) eac...
Boston Marathon Clustering
Can we cluster runners of the 2014 Boston Marathon based on how they finished? Here I use the mean shift, spectral and affinity propogation clustering techni...
Support Vector Machines (SVM) For Predicting Recipe Ratings
Given recipe information (nutritional content, categories) downloaded from Epicurious can we use SVM as a classifier?
Advanced Regression: LR, Ridge & LASSO
Ordinary regressions is usually sufficient, but here we implement Ridge and LASSO regression to introduce the concept of regularization
Using tree-based methods for predicting tumor type
Using decision trees and random forests to predict if a breast cancer tumor is malignate or benighn
Linear Regression & KNN Classifier
In this project we use the famous Iris dataset for classification using linear regression and k-Nearest Neighbors
Predicting Property Crime: Cleaning and Transforming Data
Given crime data for Florida for 2017 (source: UCR:FBI)
Dimensionality Reduction with Partial least squares (PLS) regression
A large number of features can cause for regression models, so we will use PLS Regression on the Florida crime (2017) dataset
Crime Utilities Script
This script contains a variety of functions for reading (crime) data, cleaning it, transforming certain features (log, cube root and binarize), as well as ap...
Sentiment analysis with POS Tagging and VADER
Sentiment analysis of Amazon reviews, with part-of-speech tagging and VADER.
Sentiment Analysis of Amazon Reviews
Using Amazon reviews to predict IMDB, Yelp reviews
Human Activity Recognition Data Visualization and Dimensionality Reduction
Visualizing high dimensional data with the help of PCA
Bank Marketing
Exploratory data analysis for Portuguese bank marketing campaign.